To get a sense of what inspires Rev. Judie to write her weekly Coop's Scoops we asked her! The answer may spur you on to read this week's blog. "Writing them has helped me to concentrate more on those things that are lovely, just, of good report, compassionate, kind, and true. It is my prayer that reading them may help you find peace in the same way!"
Read the latest Coop's'll be glad you did. That's a promise!
Join our welcoming community at 10:30 am this Sunday March 16th with incumbent Rev Judie Cooper.
* Typically Winter Services are at at Mockridge Hall, the little white cottage beside Christ Church. Coffee, treats and hearty conversation follow each service. Zoom services are also available so please let us know if you would like to sign up for this option. If weather precludes gathering in person, you will receive a zoom link via email as soon as that decision can be made. If in doubt, please err on the side of caution. Not on our email list? Scroll below to sign up.
News Bits for this Week.
* Virtual Lenten meditation noon to 12:30 each Wednesday during Lent, by Pavani and Benjamin Paul. Pavani is currently doing her Phd at Wycliffe College and Benjamin is a mental health counsellor with over 20 years of Christian ministry experience. Both are highly recommended by Archbishop Anne. Contact Judi to find out more . (read on>)
* On Wednesday evenings during Lent- commencing March 12th - Bishop Michael Oulton will be offering a book study via Zoom, reflecting on a new book by Jesse Zink called "Faithful, Creative, Hopeful: Fifteen Theses for Christians in a Crisis Shaped World." The book can be ordered on line from your choice of vendors or perhaps through the Red Canoe Book Store in Huntsville. I will be attending this study and am looking forward to it! Archdeacon Kelly Baetz+ recommends this study: "Bishop Michael, who is assisting in Algoma as Archbishop Anne takes on extra duties with the national church, is a very engaging speaker and, more importantly, a Christian of great conviction." To register for this study email your interest to, and she will make sure you receive the zoom link to join the study next week
* Looking for a way to meet people while contributing to the community? Contact us now if you are interested in taking a role in worship, making treats and coffee, helping with literacy coaching, supporting the breakfast program and pizza days at Watt School and so much more.
Priest: The Reverend Judie Cooper
Music Director: Contact Reverend Judie if this vacant position piques your interest!
Parochial Lay Reader: Anne Fullerton
Community involvement made easy. From our Annual Strawberry Social, support of Watt Public School Breakfasts, YWCA Boys Quest, Music Program and summer Choir- you may be as involved as as wish.
Public docking available in front of Windermere House on Lake Rosseau. Once docked, travel up the hill to your left on Fife Avenue, keeping Windermere House to your right - Christ Church is the first pretty little white building on your right. A one minute walk that could be life changing.
Easily arranged. We are here to help.
Many of you have asked if there is an easier way to donate! We've made it really simple for you to support Christ Church Windermere and the important outreach work we have been doing for over a century. Direct deposit via E-transfer to
Easy access by car or boat
Public docking available in front of Windermere House on Lake Rosseau. Once docked, travel up the hill to your left on Fife Avenue, keeping Windermere House to your right - Christ Church is the first pretty little white building on your right. A one minute walk that could be life changing.
Christ Church Windermere PO Box 81, 1018 Fife Ave., Windermere, MUSKOKA LAKES, ON P0B 1P0